The Blushing Harlot (When the Wallflowers were Wicked Book 4) Page 8
“We are?” Rebecca glanced up at him as they turned onto a side street.
Nigel took her hand again once they were out of the main flow of traffic. The sounds of the main street and the park gave way to more enclosed, intimate noise. Nigel was certain he could even hear the clop of Herrington’s and Lichfield’s horses ahead.
They reached an intersection, and he gestured for Rebecca to stop. Carefully, he glanced around the corner and was rewarded by the sight of Herrington and Lichfield dismounting in front of a posh pub called The Silver Hart. Nigel grinned. The two couldn’t have played into his hands more perfectly.
As soon as they’d disappeared inside the pub, he gestured for Rebecca to continue with him.
“We aren’t going to a pub, are we?” she whispered. “I’ve always wanted to see the inside of a pub.”
Her comment, combined with the certainty that he had the diamond thief cornered, made Nigel smile. “We aren’t going to the pub,” he said as he crossed the street and strode swiftly along the pavement to the building across from the pub. “We’re going to watch them and nab them when they leave.”
“Watch them?” Rebecca asked. “How? From where?”
He grinned at her, stepping up to the front door of the building across from the pub. “From my flat.”
Rebecca’s eyes went wide, as well they should. Nigel pushed open the door, escorting her inside a large hallway with a staircase leading up and several closed doors deeper into the hall. He took the stairs, rounding a landing and climbing to the second floor. Once there, he drew a key from the pocket of his waistcoat and unlocked a door that led to a modest flat with windows looking out the front of the building.
“This is where you live?” Rebecca asked, a touch of awe in her voice, as she walked into the main room and looked around.
Nigel dropped her hand and strode deeper into the room, tidying up the papers he’d left strewn about and the dishes from last night’s supper. “It is,” he said. “Well, it’s where I reside at present. I have another residence in London that remains unoccupied at the moment.”
He hoped she was too absorbed in studying his surroundings to ask questions. He was in luck.
“You live in a flat just off of Hyde Park,” she said, walking to the window with a slight frown.
“I do,” he said, taking his dishes to the small kitchen at the back of the flat before striding across the main room to stand behind her.
Rebecca peeked out the window, her fingertips resting on the glass. “Why, you can see Kensington Palace from here.”
“On a clear day, yes,” Nigel said.
She turned to him. Her eyes widened to find him standing so close to her, but she went on with, “This flat must cost a fortune.”
He grinned at her, quickly losing the thread of the conversation. He could smell her fresh scent, feel the heat of her body. “It does,” he admitted, raising a hand to trace his fingertips along her pink cheek.
Rebecca sucked in a breath that made her breasts rise against her bodice…which scattered Nigel’s thoughts even more. Perhaps bringing her to his home wasn’t a wise idea either.
She seemed to confirm that when she asked, “How can a Bow Street Runner afford a flat overlooking Hyde Park?”
“It doesn’t really overlook the park,” he said, slipping his other hand to her waist and pulling her close. “Those buildings block most of the view. The only reason I can see the palace is because I’m on a higher floor and there’s a gap in the buildings across the street.”
“But still,” she went on. “It must be expensive to—”
He stopped her with a kiss. He lowered his hand to her backside and lifted her to the tips of her toes as his mouth slanted over hers. It was a reckless, mad thing to do, but he couldn’t stop himself. Her questions would lead to answers he wasn’t ready to give. But more than that, he couldn’t think with her so close. So he kissed her, teasing her lips with his teeth and tongue before invading her mouth to suck on her sweetness.
She sighed with need, which only spurred him on. His cock jumped to hardness, straining against his breeches as if it had a mind and memory of its own. It had come so close to plumbing her depths just a few days ago, and now it wouldn’t be denied. He gripped her backside possessively and ground against her hips. The movement shot bolts of pleasure through him even as it told her he wouldn’t stop until they were both satisfied this time.
A peel of laughter sounded from the street below, loud enough to be heard through the closed window. As aroused as he was, Nigel’s instincts as a Runner flashed to the forefront. He leaned back, breaking their kiss, and glanced out the window. Rebecca groaned in disappointment as he spotted Herrington and Lichfield striding out of the pub. The two wore smiles—though they glanced up and down the street as though afraid to be seen. They shook hands, said something that Nigel couldn’t hear as the boy from the pub brought their horses up from the mews, then each mounted and went their separate ways.
Tension spiked in Nigel along with the urge to do something, to take action. He flinched away from the window, but before he could take so much as a single step, Rebecca moaned, “No!”
She grabbed the lapels of his jacket and stared pleadingly up at him. “No,” she repeated. “We cannot be interrupted again. We will not be interrupted again. I demand that you ravish me.”
Nigel’s brow shot up. It wasn’t the only thing that shot up. Blood pumped through him, and the urgency to follow and catch the thieves shifted to the pounding need to make Rebecca his, once and for all. And yet, the need that flashed through every part of him like an explosion was contradictory to everything he’d ever been taught.
“I want you, Nigel,” Rebecca went on, her breath coming in short pants. “I want you to touch me all over. I want you to do what you did to me the other day at Verity’s house. I want your manly weapon inside of me. I’ll do anything you want me to do. I don’t care if it makes me a harlot. I burn for you. I need to be bad, so very, very bad.”
It was utter, ridiculous madness. Polite, respectable young ladies were not supposed to beg for sex. The sort of woman a man of substance should marry was not supposed to sigh and moan and offer her virginity as a plaything on an ordinary afternoon. Rebecca truly was behaving as a harlot—at least by every definition society gave to the word. But Nigel had never wanted to possess and use and pleasure a woman in every way more in his life. He wanted to marry Rebecca—not to prevent her from being a whore, but because that was precisely what she wanted to be. For him.
He surged into her, closing his arms around her and lowering his hands to her backside. He pivoted to push her into the wall beside the window, lifting her so that she straddled his waist as he pinned her to the wall. His mouth crashed over hers, plundering her willing sweetness. The sounds of pleasure and surrender that she made spurred him on, making him wonder already how fast he could recover after coming deep inside of her so that he could fuck her a second time.
Rebecca’s sigh of relief as Nigel lifted her and trapped her against the wall so that he could ravage her quickly turned into a moan of desire. Her entire body felt as though it were being consumed by fire. They were upright, but Nigel was wedged between her legs, jerking against her in a way that teased what else could happen between them. All she wanted to do was spread her legs wider, but she had to circle them around his waist to keep from falling over. That didn’t stop her skirts from getting in the way, however.
She cried out in wordless protest, wanting nothing more than to cast aside her clothes entirely so that her skin could slide against Nigel’s. Her cry was swallowed by his mouth and his tongue plundering her. His aggression sent tingles of delicious fright through her. He was so strong, so large, that he could do anything to her. She hoped he would do anything and everything to her.
Too soon, he stepped back, breaking their kiss so that he could catch his breath. Rebecca slid to stand, wobbling slightly.
“I promised you a bed,” he growled, fire in
his eyes.
At that moment, she would have been perfectly happy with the floor, but he took her hand and led her across the main room and through a half-opened door into his bedroom. The room was untidy without being a complete mess. His bed wasn’t made, though the covers had been thrown haphazardly over it. Rebecca didn’t care. It was a bed, and it was his.
“I have to get out of my clothes,” she said in a near panic, twisting her arms behind her to grab at the ties holding her gown closed.
“Let me help you with that,” he growled, stepping behind her and making quick work of the ties.
Rebecca wriggled and gasped, pulling at the muslin of her gown as though it were laced with spiders, as soon as the ties were undone. Nigel went to work shedding his own clothes as she peeled away her layers, cursing every one.
“Clothing is such an irritating nuisance,” she panted as she pushed her gown over her hips.
“It’s a waste of time,” Nigel agreed, unbuttoning his waistcoat and throwing it on the floor.
Rebecca giggled as their efforts to undress turned into a sort of race. She kicked her gown and petticoats aside, fumbling with the closures of her stays in an effort to beat him to nakedness. He was just tugging off his boots, balancing first on one leg, then the other, as he did so, by the time she pulled her chemise up over her head, leaving her completely exposed to him.
Nigel froze as his second boot hit the floor, staring at her with wide, wolfish eyes. He straightened. He still wore his breeches, but they were glaringly tented. “I’ve wanted to see your tits again more than you can know,” he said, his voice low and filled with hunger.
Rebecca glanced down at her breasts then back to him, thrusting her chest forward. Her nipples were well on their way to being tight points, and her breasts felt heavier than usual and desperate to be touched. “Here they are,” she said breathlessly.
He took a large step toward her, kicking aside their clothes as he did. His large hands closed around her breasts with such possessiveness that Rebecca gasped. The sound turned into a groan as he squeezed and rubbed his thumbs over her nipples. The pleasure his simple attentions gave her shot straight to her core, making her feel as though liquid heat were filling her sex.
Nigel didn’t stop there. He bent his knees enough to lower his mouth to her breasts, drawing one nipple fully into his mouth. There was no teasing or coaxing, he simply took what he wanted, nipping her with his teeth and stroking her with his tongue. Rebecca gasped and shivered…and had no idea what to do with her hands. Her body pulsed with pleasure that was so potent she felt as though she might come apart then and there.
The moment she realized she could thread her hands through his thick, dark hair, he sank to his knees. His mouth broke away from her breast and trailed across her belly and lower. He nudged her knees apart, and she widened her stance just in time for him to bury his face in the curls between her legs.
“Nigel,” she gasped, her eyes going wide, then heavy-lidded as his tongue flickered out to pleasure her. She gripped tight handfuls of his hair, hardly believing he could make her feel that way when she was standing up. Who had ever heard of such a thing?
Apparently, Nigel had. He pleasured her with her lips and tongue in a way that sent need coursing through her without being quite intense enough to send her splashing over the edge. At least, at first. When he stroked a hand up her inner thigh and plunged his fingers deep into her wet, aching core, the combination of pleasure sent her careening over the edge.
She cried out as her body throbbed with orgasm. He made a sound of victorious pleasure and continued to lick and stroke her until her tremors slowed. The whole thing was so overwhelming that Rebecca’s legs gave out. Nigel seemed to sense what she was feeling and managed to lower her to his bed before she fell.
As soon as she lay there, her legs sprawled over the edge of the bed as she lay on her back, he stood and reached for the falls of his breeches. Rebecca lifted herself to her elbows to watch as he undid them and stripped them off, kicking them aside. Then he stood in front of her completely naked. The large, firm muscles of his torso, arms, and legs, showed how powerful he really was, but it was his long, thick cock that had her full attention. He was so large that her thighs shuddered and her sex squeezed with both fright and need at the sight of him. His tip was wide and flared and already slick with moisture. He stood straight up, like the Ancient Greek depictions of satyrs that she’d seen. And there she was, naked, splayed, and wet on his bed, completely at his mercy. Nothing had ever been so arousing.
She sat straight, reaching for him. “I want to touch it,” she said, surprised at how dusky her voice sounded. “I want to taste it.”
He pushed her hands aside and advanced on her, tipping her back until she lay open to him once more. “No,” he said in a choked voice. “I’m already too close. I want to come inside of you, not in your hands or your mouth.” He bent over her, tugging her hips toward him while his feet remained on the ground. “There will be time for all that later,” he said bringing his hips into contact with hers and rubbing the underside of his penis against her already enflamed sex. “But once we get there,” he went on in a gravely whisper, “I want you to swallow my cock so deep that it fills every inch of you.”
His words shouldn’t have been so arousing, but the image of submission that popped to Rebecca’s mind—thanks to what she’d already witnessed her sister doing—was wildly erotic instead of mildly humiliating. She wanted to pleasure Nigel that way, to see his face contorted with arousal, but not just then. Just then she wanted—
“Oh, yes,” she gasped as Nigel completed her thoughts with actions.
He guided his impossibly large cock to her entrance, pushing in slowly, but only until her body resisted. When he stopped, she held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut. But instead of breeching her maidenhood, he pulled out, then teased her by pushing in by an inch once more. A spike of frustration joined the mad desire that pulsed through her, and she lifted herself to her elbows again so she could watch his actions. Desire and strained control pinched his face.
“Please, Nigel,” she gasped, her eyes trained on his thick length as he stood poised between her widely-spread legs. “Take me.”
“I’ll hurt you,” he said, his voice strained.
“Yes,” she said, meeting his eyes. “And I’ll like it, I swear.”
That seemed to decide him. He leaned all the way over her, jerking into her with a firm, fast stroke.
Rebecca gasped. It did hurt. Like he had split her in two. But he was the one who had hurt her, and she loved him. The pain didn’t matter, because deep, deep pleasure followed quickly behind it. “Oh!” she sighed, straining into his invasion.
When he let out a growling breath and began to move, it was all worth it. She was certain he was being deliberately careful at first, thrusting slowly. He kissed her as well, not the punishing, passionate kisses from before, but sweet, almost apologetic kisses that came straight from his heart. He slipped a hand under the small of her back, lifting her so that he could plunder her more deeply as the speed and power of his thrusts grew.
It was heavenly. Rebecca sighed and gasped and made other sounds she didn’t have words for in time to his thrusts. It was so good tears sprung to her eyes. She was his, and it was every bit as wonderful as she’d always imagined it would be.
He stretched and claimed her, his thickness stroking her inside and bringing her right back to the edge of climax. It was pure bliss to have him use her for his own pleasure, and when the sounds coming from him turned loud and primal as he neared his completion, she burst into another throbbing wave of orgasm that had her crying out in victory.
His cry joined hers a moment later, and a rush of warmth filled her as his body tensed, his final thrust claimed her, and his body gradually slowed and softened. He stayed as firmly inside of her as his penis softened, and they both simply lay there, entwined and panting.
At last, when she felt enough of her strength ret
urn, Rebecca wriggled under him until she embraced him with her arms and legs. “How long until we can do that again?” she said.
Nigel chuckled. The vibrations shivered through her, and she squeezed her inner muscles around his soft length. In the end, though, he pulled out of her. But only so that he could reposition them more comfortably and fully in the bed.
“I need a few minutes,” he said in a sleepy voice.
“Not too long, I hope.” She grinned, snuggling against him.
“Not too long,” he repeated. He rolled to his side with their heads resting on his pillow. He molded her body against his, lifting her leg over his waist. “First a nap.”
“Agreed,” she sighed, draping her arm over his muscular side.
“Then I’m going to play with your titties for a while,” he said, his voice still hazy, a lazy smile spreading across his lips. “Then I’m going to flip you to your stomach and tease you into thinking I’m going to fuck you in the ass.”
“You’re not?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, knowing he was teasing her without knowing the extent of the joke.
“Not today,” he chuckled. “You’re not ready. I’m going to make you think I will, but then I’ll just take you in the pussy from behind until you come hard on my cock.”
Rebecca sighed and snuggled up to him as though he’d described a summer’s picnic in the country. “That sounds lovely.”
“And then, if there’s time before supper, I want you on top so I can thrust balls-deep and put babies right in your womb.”
“Very well,” Rebecca sighed, her eyes closing. “But then you must marry me.”
“There’s no question of that,” he said, just as sleepy as she was. “If you still want me once you know.”
Rebecca merely hummed as sleep overtook her, although at the back of her mind, a voice whispered, “Know what?”
Chapter 8
There simply wasn’t time for Nigel to fulfill all his naughty promises to Rebecca before the hour grew short and she had to return to the school. He did, however, roll her onto her back after their short nap, spread her legs, and plunder her raw a second time. Rebecca was certain she looked ridiculous with her legs splayed wide to her sides and her face contorted in ecstasy as he thrust his massive manhood into her over and over, faster and faster, until she was genuinely worried that it would be too much for her inexperienced body. She loved every moment of his punishing ardor, though, and came apart with a cry of release only a few moments before he groaned with completion.